About Sarah Summer

Sarah Summer is a medical researcher and is the author of the popular and best selling ebook "12 Hour Natural Cure for Yeast Infection".

Sarah Summer was diagnosed with a rare form of yeast infection, after visiting several doctors and trying different prescription medications, Sarah Summer was not able to find a cure. "This Is a Serious Yeast Infection" "It was Impossible to Cure" -- all doctors told her.

Frustrated and with limited options, she turned to her husband Robert who is also a medical researcher for help. Together, they spent thousands of dollars on yeast infection research and purchasing every internet remedy. They also spent countless of hours collecting hundreds of medical documents about yeast infections and speaking to infectious disease experts.

After intense research and study, they finally found a remarkable, safe, effective, all natural cure for yeast infection and Sarah Summer yeast infection was cured.

The treatment was so successful, Sarah Summer decided to write an ebook titled "12 Hour Natural Cure for Yeast Infection" and has since become one of the most well respected experts on natural treatments for yeast infections.

Visit Sarah Summers' "12 Hour Natural Cure for Yeast Infection" Official website.